
Manual of Theology, First Part: A Treatise on Christian Doctrine is unavailable, but you can change that!

John L. Dagg’s Manual of Theology is divided into two volumes: the first a treatise on Christian doctrine; the second, on Church Order. This first volume presents the system of Christian doctrine in the following chapters: • Study of Religious Truth • Doctrine Concerning God • Doctrine Concerning the Will and Works of God • Doctrine Concerning the Fall and Present State of Man •...

condition of the sick man still remains. Just so it is with respect to the gospel of Christ. Though rejected by men, it is “worthy of all acceptation,” because it is a remedy, precisely adapted to our depraved state. Thousands of thousands have experienced its restoring power, and unite in recommending its efficacy to the multitudes who are unwilling to make trial of it. In contemplating the truths of religion, we may view them in various aspects. We may consider them as proceeding from God; as demonstrated
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